$ make cli # Compile command-line interface First you need to install all the required tools and libraries:
It should not be much harder for other distros. Here are the instructions to compile G”MIC on a fresh installation of Debian (or Ubuntu). Accessing it via git ensures you get the latest code available, and will ease the source updates as well. The source code of G”MIC is shared between several git repositories with public access. Otherwise, the documentation states “good luck” if you install it some other way.
Do this and you can follow the Linux/Unix instructions for plugin installation. There are OS X instructions in the GIMP documentation and they suggest installing GIMP from fink or macports. Gutenprint – Top Quality Printer Drivers A very high quality package of printer drivers for CUPS on Linux, Macintosh OS X, and other POSIX-co. The latest 2.8.2 update fixes some bugs, while version 2.8 added a new interface and features like layer groups, on-canvas text editing, and more.